Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

How to Sell Ebooks on

                        How to Sell Ebooks on



  How to Sell Ebooks on

               When most ebooks writers think of going the affiliate route to sell their ebook, they automatically think of ClickBank. However, there is another player in the game, To sell ebooks on is free, and this is what attracted me to them initially. Conversely, there’s a fee to sign up with ClickBank as a seller. Why You Should Sell Ebooks via the Affiliate Route I’ve written many ebooks, but until PayDotCom, had never sold them via affiliates. I had only sold them via my website and blog. After plodding along for a few years doing this, I built some passive income into my marketing plan one year. To read my income projection, I had to step up my marketing game. This is why I decided to go the affiliate route. Recruiting affiliates is like hiring employees for free. You don’t pay them anything unless and until they make a sale. When I sell ebooks on PayDotCom, it’s like paying commissions to my own personal sales force.
Step 1
Create a PayPal Account To sell ebooks on PayDotCom, you need a PayPal account to receive your sales proceeds. This is the only way to receive a payout.
Sign Up for a Vendor Account To create an account to sell ebooks on PayDotCom, click the “Sign Up” button on the home page and fill out the information there. Please note, you will have to provide your Social Security Number. This is for end-of-year tax purposes.
Upload Your Product This can be done in as little as 60 seconds. To do this, from the home page, click on the “My Products,” tab. Then, click on “Create a New Product.” Although there are lots of bells and whistles to be added here like creating promotional banners and buttons, you can do the basics to get started, which is simply upload your product.
Create Payment Button Once you finish uploading your product, create a payment button. Do this by clicking on “My Products.” When you click this, a list of the products that you have loaded will show up. Under each product, there will be a list of activities from which to choose, ie, “Edit,”Make Payment Button,” “Affiliate Sign Up Page,” “Promotion Tools,” “ New campaign” and De-Activate. Choose the “Make Payment Button” option. You will be able to choose from simple text options, or graphic options.
Activate Your Product Once you finish all the behind the scenes work like creating payment buttons, it’s time to activate your product for sale. Do this by clicking on “My Products,” then “Activate/Deactivate.”
Purchase Your Product You don’t have to take this step, but if you don’t you will have to wait for it to become live in the market place. According to rules regarding listing new products, “When a Vendor creates a new product or service, it does NOT show in the marketplace until it has made 1 sale. This is to protect the integrity of the marketplace from junk listings, spam listings, and test products etc.” So, the quicker you make that first sale, the sooner it will show up in the marketplace for others to see and buy or promote.

How to Sell Ebooks on

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